Marsat short CV


► 2001-2007              PhD, Dept. of Biology, McGill University (with Dr. G. S. Pollack). 

► 1997-2001              BSc, Dept. of Biology, McGill University.



► 2020-present         Associate Professor, Dept. of Biology, West Virginia University.

► 2013-2020              Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biology, West Virginia University.

► 2009-2012              Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Cellular and Molecular Medicine & Dept of Physics, University of Ottawa (with Drs A Longtin and L Maler).

► 2007-2009              Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Neural Dynamic & Dept. of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa (with Dr. L. Maler). 



 ► 2022-2026      NSF BRAID Research Grant: “ Unsupervised Continual Learning with Hierarchical Timescales and Plasticity Mechanisms”. $2M

► 2020-2025      NSF-IOS CAREER Research Grant: “Detection and localization of communication signals during motion in the electrosensory system”. $700K

► 2016-2019      NSF-IOS Research Grant: “Co-evolution of communication signals with central sensory processing mechanisms”. $610K

► 2016               WVU-PSCoR Research Grant: “Dynamic shaping of neural heterogeneity and the coding of communication signals”. $23K

► 2012-2016      WVU Research Corp Initiative Grant: “Computational principles in the sensory neuroscience of weakly electric fish”. $526K

► 2007-2010      Canadian Institute for Health Research - Fellowship: "Coding of transient communication signals by sensory systems". $135K



► 2017-present:  BIOL 202 Quantitative Biology- WVU, Biology 

► 2015-present:  BIOL 793 Current Neurobiology I, II or III- WVU, Biology 

► 2014-present:  BIOL 476/576 Computational Neuroscience- WVU, Biology 

► 2014-present:  BIOL 339 Animal Communication- WVU, Biology 

► 2007~2015:      Neural System and Behavior- Marine Biological laboratory